Which solution would you prefer for your child: an implant or their natural teeth?

Issues with implants in the dental aesthetic zone

Bone Loss

Bone loss from implants refers to the reduction in bone density around the implant site. The dark areas around the circled implants (pictured) indicate bone loss.

Difference in Bone Height

Teeth continue to erupt and move throughout your life, but implants stay in place, which causes difference in bone height. This is reflected by the misalignment in the image above.

Aesthetic Concerns

Gum recession, discoloration, and implant visibility are a few of the aesthetic issues that develop due to the use of implants as a solution for missing teeth.

“The better dentist you are, the fewer dental implants you insert. There is an overuse of implants in the world and an underuse of teeth as targets for treatment.”

Dr. Lindhe J Pacey

Göteborg, Sweden

At CCMPT, we prioritize dental aesthetics…

Macro Aesthetics

  • Facial proportions

  • Vertical facial dimensions

  • Overall symmetry

Mini Aesthetics

  • Buccal corridor

  • Smile arc

  • Incisor display

Micro Aesthetics

  • Shape and proportions of teeth

  • Gingival shape

  • Lip contour

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.